Inline Hockey

Inline hockey registration is now open until February 8,2025.



A. Students must be currently enrolled in the school for which he/she is rostered, unless placed on a different team by MOIHA thru the player draft process. The student has four (4) years of eligibility during their high school career, unless they play as a 7th or 8th grade player. Those years are added beyond the 4 years in high school. Here are the age breakdowns for all MOIHA divisions:

*High School Divisions:

  • High school grades 9-12 eligible for Varsity, JV, and C divisions.
  • 7th and 8th graders may play for one of their schools high school teams while being a full participant in the junior high division.

*Junior High Divisions:

  • Junior high grades 6th thru 8th are eligible for all levels of junior high.
  • 4th and 5th grades are eligible for all levels of junior high.

B. The student may not be 19 years of age before September 1st, of his/her senior year. If the student graduates in the fall of their senior year, they will be eligible to play in MOIHA the following spring semester.

C. Copies of the current student grade card must be filed with the league before the first league game.

D. A copy of a photo I.D. is required. This may be a driver’s permit, a driver’s license, a student I.D., or a photo with a date of birth.

E. A copy of proof of age is required. This may be either a date of birth on the grade report, a driver’s permit, a driver’s license, or a birth certificate.

F. Students who are expelled or suspended from school are not eligible until the scholastic disciplinary penalty is resolved.

G. Players who are suspended from play by MOIHA may not participate in MOIHA events until the suspension is lifted or expired.


Tryout/Eval dates will be held at Vetta on 2/1/2025 at 9pm and 2/2/2025 at 7am. The regular season will begin in early March and will conclude in May. The league will make every attempt to begin the season after the Mid-States ice hockey season and complete the season, including playoffs by the time most schools closed for the summer.

2025 Inline Hockey

The high school league will consist of Varsity, Junior Varsity, and C-teams from Missouri and Illinois. All participating high schools must field at least one Varsity team (unless approved by MOIHA). After that requirement, a school may field one or more Junior Varsity team, and one or more C-Division team. Although allowed, the league would prefer that all schools field a Junior Varsity team before fielding a C-Division team.

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